The family cat, has died. He had been sick for sometime, and we had planed to take him to the vet tomorrow morning, but all of the sudden, he jumpt down from the sofa and started to walk around abit. He had for the last days, only been laying on the sofa, having a sort of "Im not here" look on his eyes.
All of the sudden he started to vomit blood.... i have never seen soo much blood.
He was so tin, that he was only skinn and bones...and then all of this black-red blood.
It look like something out of a horror film.. My mother scream, as did i..
Soo we did call the neighbor, so he could but an end to our beloved cats misery.
Now he is in heaven, with our dog, and our grandparents, (my mothers mother and my fathers mother love cats).
Soo now he is at peace and feel no pain.
Rest In Peace, Murre, or as we did call him "The King" 1996-2009
I just needed to get that of my chest... no sleep tonight.
One of my cats has been with me for 13 years. I'll cry when she dies :C
Let's hope she lives for atleast 5 more years then :)