Fun and addictiv!
From starta too end.. you just have too get them and not kill the wrong ppl. Tricky but fun as all hell.
Fun and addictiv!
From starta too end.. you just have too get them and not kill the wrong ppl. Tricky but fun as all hell.
Really cool game
And i love the weponds. They are new, but you also have the classic kind, but with a nice twist :)
Bloody awesome!
Yeah, a morden/futur ninja game. Now that is one game that you can't say no too.
Great animation, sweet sounds fx and the story is great.
Now that is
One quince game and much fun, short but how care's.. It is soo good!
You start off as a small frie and then work your way up. it is a good game, but i do wish you could upgrade your inventory higher then 4 ;)
Great game
You can really shoot at any part of the blocks and piece will fly everywhere.
That is really good and you have too thing at some parts and try and try again :)
Jabberwocky too me is a story that Vincent Price read, about a monster how did scare the people oe a village. Soo.. this game did surprise me, but not in a bad way. This game is both cute and odd and you can't stop playing it :)
Cool game
Have to really think on some lvl.
I think
That tehir is something wrong with the screen. Can't see my paddle unless i expand the screen, but that only helps a little.
This is really
One odd game, that when you read the name of it uio think "Oh one of those games" But not, not relly that kind of game. This game i much, much funnier :D
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Age 38, Male
Smoker and love it
Joined on 10/7/04