Bloody hell
I freaking love it when the clock crew attacks VGDC's base.
Bloody hell
I freaking love it when the clock crew attacks VGDC's base.
at the moment zero
make it work for the love of god or satan or wahetevere
he he he he
i love the scaning scen when he understandst that the guy is..... you havt to watch it to get the point
I have seen this episod!!!!!
All the sounds in this flash have i already heard fromt the real series. And whats up with ther eyes?
and the sound is lovley ^^
+500 on the humor
likt the guy befor me said
"i thought it was great the way u used actual sounds fron the the show...". I love how i make theb sounds go togheter with the flash.
Ans when the captin get the red eyes i fucking laught my ass of.
hahahahahaha.....haahhahahah and the humor is +100
god damn this is funny.
i love how he have taken original soundbites from Robotech.
fuck this is funny
i bloody love this clip.
it is like a scen from monty pyton or something like that.
well it is soo damn funny.
OMG This flash is funny.
Holy Crap!
I lost my breath when i say this flash.
it is funny as hell and sick in a good way.
yeha it is a good idea, but i don get the link between halo 2 and peopel turning in to zombie things?
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Age 38, Male
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Joined on 10/7/04